Established in 1979 as a home fellowship with a handful of faithful believers desiring to corporately worship God in their mother tongue, it slowly and steadily progressed into a full-fledged Church in 1994.
Over these years growth was fuelled from two sources. In the initial stages of the Church’s history, this was predominantly through the arrival of evangelical Christians from Ethiopia. In recent years (1990 and thereafter) it has primarily been through the evangelizations and salvation of Ethiopians and Eritreans living in the UK that the Lord has increased our number. Needless to say that in both cases the sovereign hand of the Lord upon us as a Church has brought about this growth and increment for which we unfailingly give him all the glory!
The name “The Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church in the UK” was a natural progression from the name of the Fellowship which was coined in 1979 (Ethiopian Christian Fellowship of Great Britain) by the group of nine believers at their first annual conference held at The Silverwell Christian Guest House, Morecambe in Lancaster, northeast England. Both at the Fellowship’s inception in 1979 and at its transition into a Church in 1994, the current name were favoured as a true and faithful reflection of the Church’s diverse denominational background.